Tuesday, December 05, 2006

2006 Year End Survey | Higher Ground

Since we all saw a lot of shows at Higher Ground this year, we wanted to be sure to have some representation from the biggest club in the area. Nick, who runs the box office at HG and is a huge music fan, was kind enough to send over some answers.

One of my favorite "Only in Vermont" moments this year was during the Phantom Buffalo show. Phantom Buffalo had forgotten all of their merch back in Maine. So, Nick went back to his office and burned a few copies of the band's LP and EP for them to sell. I bet bands don't get that treatment at the Bowery Ballroom.

1) What was your favorite song of 2006?

we all lose one another- jason collett

i lack a vehicle, a car
so i walk or bike just about everywhere i go thats reasonable
so i tend to always have some sort of music in my ears at all times
this year i always ended up listeing to idols of exile by jason
collette in some
way on my way to or from somewhere.
always seem to help me relax

2) What was your favorite album of 2006?

the cush's new appreciation for sunshine

whether or not i was on my own
or sitting in a cabin in the outskirts of maine with my closest friends of the
last 25 years, they always seemed to be supplying a comfortable and
soundtrack to what i was doing and how i felt.

3) What was your favorite concert of 2006?

books at higher ground with greg davis
emotional as hell
from folks getting choked up to complete and total happiness
lots more folks ended up showing up than i thought and it made the
evening that
much nicer for all involved
guitar and cello mix were amazing


with the silver jews in boston 3.19.06
never thought id really get to see them live

4) What was your favorite thing about 2006?

driving to chicago with some good friends and my wonderful girlfriend
at the end
of july
caught most of the pitchfork music festival and made some great new friends
while in town

rooftops of chicago
sushi and waterfalls
learned a whole hell of alot about their local music and graphic design folks
winter garden at the chicago public library
jay ryan

5) What are your best wishes for 2007?

for all those i care about to continue to do what they do best and
strive to get
to where they feel they want to be.

Jason Collet | We All Lose One Another | Buy

For all of the upcoming shows at Higher Ground, see the calendar here. This Friday, Dec 8th, the Benevento/Russo Duo will be in the ballroom.


jds said...

I like how that Collett song starts all Smashing Pumpkins, and then goes Tom Petty. A surprisingly pleasant mix.

Anonymous said...

That Jason Collett song actually reminds me of "Wild Horses." Great song.

kingdomforavoice said...

I picked that Jason Collett album Idols of exile up last week and am totally enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

nice choice on the cush...beautiful

Matt said...

I am the founder of MelodyTrip, www.melodytrip.com , a website that is focused on music festivals and fans who are passionate about music. I came across your blog and found it to be very entertaining and well-written and thought you would be interested in becoming a MelodyTrip community member.

MelodyTrip has all the latest news on festival, lineups, bands etc, but there are some specific reasons why you, as a blogger interested in music could benefit from joining MelodyTrip.

1) You can post cross-post your blogs to MelodyTrip to generate awareness, exposure, feedback and links to your blog, even if is not always music related.
2) If you are interested in attending music festivals and blogging about them, MelodyTrip can get you press passes or free tickets to virtually any festival if you agree to preview and review the festival on MelodyTrip.

If this sounds good, sign up as a member and shoot me an email letting me know you did, and if there are any particular events you would like to cover in 2007 or ways MelodyTrip can help you out. Now is a great time to contact me since it is the down season, there is a lull in the action, but we would love to have you as part of MelodyTrip when things heat up and traffic explodes in March.

Matt Casey