Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thomas Dybdahl

Here's one for the headphone lovers in the crowd.

Norway's Thomas Dybdahl exists musically where Iron & Wine meets Brian Wilson. While many folies are happy with their lo-fi Tascam approach to recording music, Dybdahl layers in all sorts of sounds in his tunes with crispness and clarity while not losing any intimacy.

Take his song "Something Real" from his album Science, for example. It's mainly an acoustic tune with guitar bass and drums but when you listen with those headphones on all sorts of stuff starts swirling around in your head. I think, but am not sure, I'm hearing clangs against glasses and metal, clarinet, washboard and perhaps a radiator. There's also a bunch of other sounds I can't identify. Regardless, if you just let it all wash over you, it's a fun musical experience.

However, I don't think these qualities come through with just the speakers. So, be sure to fasten on some headphones to fully appreciate what Dybdahl is doing here.

Thomas Dybdahl | Something Real | Buy

Thomas Dybdahl | Always | Buy

photo courtesy of eivind_ah


Anonymous said...

I worship Thomas.

The October Country said...

I love the fact that you compare Thomas with Iron and Wine and Brian Wilson ! I'm a Danish songwriter and a huge Dybdahl fan. Check out my music, my band's called The October Country.