Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006 Year End Survey | Kamikaze Hearts

Once upon a time, Vermont was a part of upstate New York. That's one of the reasons we are including Albany's Kamikaze Hearts in our year-end survey. The other and bigger reason is that when we finally get around to posting my and jds' favorite albums of 2006, The Kamikaze Hearts' Oneida Road will be on that list. It's a beautiful warm textured album. (Note: Because of a fantastic turnout, we still have three weeks of survey responses to post)

Plus, The Kamikaze Hearts' show at Langdon Street last March was my favorite Montpelier show of the year.

You can read a recent article on Kamikaze Hearts in a recent issue of Albany's alternative paper Metroland here.

Well, hot on the heels of signing with UK label One Little Indian Records, Matthew Loiacono (far left above), the mandolinist for Kamikaze Hearts, took some time to send over his favorites of the year.

1) What was your favorite song of 2006?

According to my iTunes "Top 25 Most Played" list, "Calling Thermatico" by Centro-Matic was the most played song from 2006, coming in just before "Dancer's All" by Death Vessel from the "The Sound the Hare Heard" compilation put out by Kill Rock Stars. Both the Centro-Matic and Death Vessel songs are certainly something amazing, but I would also like to include "But How" and "In Ten Years From Now" by Bobby Baby, as these songs were on constant repeat as we toured through the midwest this fall.

2) What was your favorite album of 2006?

2006 was a year for great records, in my humble opinion. Notable releases from Richard Buckner (glad to hear JD Foster back recording with Richard), Centro-Matic (the first release of theirs that I have obsessed over), Tara Jane ONeil (so languid), and the Lemonheads (so catchy) all top the imaginary list, but what really took me by surprise was Neko Case's "Fox Confessor Brings the Flood" album. Her work hadn't caught my ear until September of this year, while at a friend's place this record suddenly crept from the background to the foreground. I had to buy it immediately, and yes, it is still with me.

3) What was your favorite concert of 2006?

I must say that I am very sad that I had to miss Subtle at least twice in 2006! Hopefully, their recent theft problem will not deter them from visiting us on the east coast in 2007.

My favorite concert this year was more of a gathering featuring our great friends Idatel at 83 3rd St. in Troy, NY.

4) What was your favorite thing about 2006?

Finally releasing a long overdue record.

5) What are your best wishes for 2007?

Health and happiness to all!

Centro-Matic | Calling Thematico | Buy
Death Vessel | Dancer's All | Buy
Bobby Baby | But How | Buy
Bobby Baby | In Ten Years From Now | Buy
Kamikaze Hearts | No One Called You a Failure | Buy

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